We all know it’s important to make sure that your recipients are interested in your content so they don’t just delete it and move on to the next one. But when you create an email full of great content, make sure everyone gets to see it! Don’t stack your subject line with boring text, or worse, a line full of triggers getting your message sent to spam. If your email isn’t delivered, no one will get to see it.
Hopefully your emails are avoiding the classic subject pitfalls and aren’t getting dumped straight into the spam folder. No curses, no vulgarity, don’t use the word ‘free,’ and please, no “magic blue pills.” I think you probably know some of these rules already.
We all see a lot of email in our inboxes. The first thing I do when I fire up my email is delete all the junk, that made it this far, just to get to the good stuff. You probably do some of this as well.
How do I know if a message is junk? Typically I delete anything with a subject in ALL CAPS or if there are no words, just the date. If the subject isn’t that interesting, how interesting could the content really be?
If the sender doesn’t have a From Name, I’m probably not too interested in that either. From Name is the part of your email formatting that tells me that your name is Mix 96 Radio instead of info@mix96radio.com. Oh your name is sender@sender.com? Seems legit.
But let’s get back to the Email Subject. I will very rarely delete newsletters I’m expecting without reading them, and I’d suspect your readers work the same way. It’s a lot easier to identify those with a consistent subject line format from send to send. It’s just like a magazine. You have an idea of what to expect when you pick up a copy of The Enquirer. That might be your favorite magazine, or you might hate it, but you have an idea of what’s inside. If you subscribe to this magazine and it comes to your real mailbox, you probably won’t put it in your real trash.
If your subscribers know that your weekly newsletter lands in their inbox each Tuesday, they will begin to look for it and not discard it with the rest of the nonsense flooding their already full email box.
This post originally appeared on the PromoSuite Blog where, as Operations Manager, I occasionally post about new features, technology, and the impact it has on the radio industry.